Emergency situations may include accident, illness, death of a family member, fire damage, or need for temporary housing. Award amounts will vary depending on the type of emergency, the individual circumstances, and the actual needs of the student affected by the emergency.
Types of Expenses that May Be Covered
Typical expenses that may be covered include but are not limited to:
- Replacement of personal belongings due to fire or natural disaster
- Medications or costs related to unexpected medical care
- Replacement of unintentionally damaged school materials (ie: books, laptops)
- One-time assistance with rent or utilities after job loss or other unexpected financial impact
- Safety related needs
Eligibility Requirements
- Student must be currently enrolled at UW-Eau Claire and have temporary financial hardship resulting from an emergency situation.
- Other possible resources have been considered and are either unavailable or insufficient.
- Student must be able to provide sufficient documentation of financial hardship.
- Preference give to students enrolled full-time and in good standing with the university.
Students in need of assistance should contact the Dean of Students Office at DOS@expresswayautobody.com -or- (715) 836-5626 to schedule an appointment to meet with one of the deans to determine their eligibility for the fund.