In addition to the Graduate Student Research and Scholarly and Creative Activity Grants program, students may receive some funding under Summer Research Experience for Undergraduates (SREU) or Student-Faculty Research Collaboration grants when they serve as research mentors for undergraduates on those projects.
Present at Professional Meetings
Student Travel for the Presentation of Research Results
Travel awards assist students traveling to national and regional professional meetings to present the results of collaborative research. Students may receive up to $700 to cover travel expenses for a first trip and up to $1000/year for two or more trips.
Travel must be booked according to UW System policy and procedures to be eligible for reimbursement; see 澳门葡京网赌送彩金 Travel and your department’s office assistant for more information and assistance.
Many professional societies and conferences offer travel funds for students (e.g., reduced conference registration fees or small travel stipends), so you are encouraged to check the society/conference website.